Friday, October 28, 2005

The Sunshine Underground

Why do I always manage to make waves? Why do people have the opinion that actions done in full view are the same as actions done to deliberatly incite a reaction? When did telling the truth become bragging, simply because the things I am honest about many people find offensive?

*sigh* I suppose I should be used to intolerance by now, especially since pretty much everything in my life is designed to point it out in the lives of others... But then, when it can sneak undetected into my life and divide me from my friends, I suppose it can get anyone. ;P

And if you are here wondering how I did all that stuff at HQ... I'm just as amazed as you are. Honestly.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


The title is taken from the VNV Nation song, which just so happens to be the song I'm listening to ATM. I think it's especially relevant to my current situation.

Now for the update: Today I finally got my car registered, so now I have proper transportation and I don't have to beg off my poor family. Although, since I still lack work, the money for the new insurance, as well as the registration and inspection (and the repairs I needed to make to the car) was all provided for by said family.
I have a job offer from an HVAC company in Weatherford, and while the work environment is excellent (and the work looks fairly simple) and among Christian, family-oriented men, the pay isn't that great - it's about half what John said I should ask. I really needed something bigger. I suppose that since I haven't got a job AT ALL right now that I should leap at this, but frankly I can make what they are offering doing this part-time stuff.
Granted, I'm not doing a lot of the part-time work, but most of that has been do to situations out of my control (the wedding, no transportation, etc), so now I should be able to launch into that with a will.
Also, my personal honor is getting in the way again... I feel like I promised people that I'd do said part-time work, and if I get a full-time job I will not be able to do it at all. The fact that I'm not doing the work now is irrelevant. *grin*

I do have a new cell phone (courtesy my dad and Cingular), but it needs to be upgraded to something that supports EDGE so that I have internet access. This upgrade takes money, of course... So... It's again an issue of the chicken-or-the-egg.
I think I want to get the Sony-Erickson s-710a, because it fills all my needs for a phone, blah blah. Plus it has a really neat memory card reader with it. :)
I plan on cancelling my Sprint service this week, which will be nice, since I can't really use it at all here.

I've got some more people to call and see if they know of work or someone else who might. This whole work issue is rather messy and complicated and just in general not a lot of fun. Oh well. It's time I got off my lazy rear and made something of my life.

For once, though, that doesn't sound like a very rewarding prospect. :/

I'm having a hard time deciding whether to stay here in Texas or head back up north... The pros and cons are huge either way. Oh well.

Let there be... Let there always be...

...neverending light.

In my ongoing effort to find a decent blogging home, I've begun this new blogspot blog. With a few test posts, we shall see whether this works out or not.